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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Air Force should use UFOs to their advantage

I believe in UFOs. I also believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, ghosts and other supernatural entities.
Many people, including the U.S. Government, don’t. That’s fine. I have my reasons for believing in the hard-to-believe, and I’m sure the people that don’t have their reasons.
But dozens of people in Stephenville, Texas, want a valid explanation for the UFOs they’ve been seeing at night in their community, and the U.S. Government’s best explanation seems to be that these people are hallucinating.
Among the hallucinators is Steve Allen, a freight company owner and pilot who saw an object last week that was a mile long and half a mile wide. “It was positively, absolutely nothing from these parts,” he told a news reporter there.
Another hallucinator is machinist Ricky Sorrells who spotted a UFO and watched it through his rifle’s telescopic lens. He said it was very large and without seams, nuts or bolts.
Although I personally don’t know these people, I’m sure I could safely bet they’re not crackheads or dropping acid.
They must be if people believe the official explanation from Maj. Karl Lewis, a spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth, Texas. He said the object these people have seen may have been an illusion caused by two commercial airplanes. “Lights from the aircraft would seem unusually bright and may appear orange from the setting sun,” he said.
I’m no expert, although as a kid I wanted to be a supernatural investigator and Bigfoot searcher, but I’m no fool either, and this explanation sounds like complete rubbish to me.
One of these men is a pilot and would know if he was looking at an airliner.
The other looked at it through his rifle scope and provided a very specific description.
I’m sure the dozens of other people who saw it could also provide specific details and multiple reasons it wasn’t two airliners causing them to hallucinate.
These UFOs may or may not be alien invaders. With billions and billions of stars and probably just as many planets, the likelihood of more intelligent life out there is a definite possibility.
More likely, though, the explanation can be found on our own planet – probably in our own country.
I believe in the supernatural, but I’m much more of a skeptic when it comes to conspiracy theories. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating President John F. Kennedy and I don’t believe the media is controlled by a few individuals who only feed the people what they want them to hear.
But I’m 100 percent behind the notion that the U.S. Government is behind something it doesn’t want us to know about – something like new jet fighter technology.
I can respect their wish for secrecy, but if they’re going to fly it for the public to see, then they need to own up to it. Or at least come up with a better lie.
I’ve got one. The Air Force is making a new recruitment video using Hollywood producers and loads of special effects. The UFOs are part of this technologically advanced video. Look for it at the nearest recruitment booth.
Not only would it shut up conspiracy theorists, but it might get the Air Force a few recruits, even without a video. People looking for the video might actually see what the Air Force has to offer and sign up.
Heck, if this little strategy convinced me that the Air Force had alien-like technology, I’d probably sign up – even though at 33 I’m way past the age of joining the military.
Then again, they might not want me. After all, I believe in UFOs, Bigfoot, and the Headless Horseman.

1 comment:

  1. Originally published in The Portage County Gazette in January 2008.
