One year ago, in this column, I put forth my resolutions for 2009, making them public as a means to motivate me to actually follow through with them.
My list included four resolutions: to actually write down my resolutions, to lose weight, to write something other than the journalistic items I write for The Gazette, and to read a stack of books by my bed that had been gathering dust.
I’m proud to say I fully accomplished two of those resolutions and partially accomplished the other two.
Obviously, I fully accomplished the resolution to write down my resolutions, as that was done with the publication of my column last year. Putting it on paper, and then making it available to people who read the paper, including all of my relatives and friends, was instrumental in getting me to accomplish them.
Although I know most people don’t have the ability to put their resolutions in a newspaper like I can, other options are available. Start a blog and make it available to others online. Numerous Web sites, like, are available free of charge for people to do this. For those who may not be computer savvy or for those who don’t want to share your resolutions with others, put them in a journal. Just don’t let it gather dust.
Speaking of dust, those books by my bed that had gathered it are now gathering dust in my bookcase, since that’s where they are now located after I read them during the first half of 2009, allowing me to fully accomplish that resolution. I read them, enjoyed them and then read many other books during the year.
I purchased two books in November I still need to read, but they haven’t gathered any dust, yet. My family and I are going to Florida for a week in January, so I’m guessing they’ll get read then.
As for my other two resolutions, I did lose 30 pounds, which is a great feat and technically accomplishes what I set out to do; however, my goal was 50 pounds. I didn’t quite reach that goal, but I’m off to a strong start and am healthier than I have been in eight years.
I hope to lose those 20 pounds I didn’t lose in 2009 in 2010. That’s one of two resolutions I’m putting forth, and I’m pretty sure it’s one I will surpass.
My final 2009 resolution that I only partially accomplished – to write something other than the journalistic items I write for The Gazette – is my other resolution for 2010, as I started the process in 2009 and want to finish it this year.
I started it late in 2009 when I enrolled in an online screenwriting course through the University of Wisconsin-Madison. While researching possible online programs to get a master’s degree, a resolution I hope to make in 2011 or 2012, I discovered the course, which is not bound by time limits or deadlines, and realized it could be instrumental in helping me write material I’ll need for a graduate-program portfolio when I do move forward with getting a master’s degree.
I enrolled in the course in October and read all of the valuable online material I need to get started with writing an actual screenplay. I took a similar course in college nearly 13 years ago and wrote the first act of a screenplay, but after graduating I never finished it.
Rereading that screenplay, a comedy about a guy searching for Elvis Presley whom he believes didn’t really die in 1977, I came to the realization that it seems dated now, although I could update it by changing Elvis to Michael Jackson, which could give me a wealth of material to work with.
I told my wife I’d rather start over, though, and coming up with an idea that I’d spend a good chunk of the year working on has been difficult. I have come up with several ideas, and now I just need to hunker down and work on them in 2010. I know other writers can sympathize with this, as writing isn’t nearly as easy as non-writers might think. My making this my most important resolution – even more important than losing 20 more pounds – I believe I can accomplish it.
Readers will know a year from now when I give another update and set my 2011 resolutions.
Originally published in the Jan. 1, 2010, edition of The Portage County Gazette.