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Friday, April 8, 2011

‘Favorite Things’ doesn’t have to end with Oprah’s talk show retirement

Oprah Winfrey is set to retire her long-running and mega-popular talk show in September, taking with her the annual tradition of “Oprah’s Favorite Things” in which she simply tells people what her favorite things are and then gives one of each those items to every member in the studio audience. Among her favorite things this year was the newly redesigned 2012 Volkswagen Beetle, a car so cool she was only allowed to show the lucky recipients its silhouette until they receive it in late spring.

Since Oprah’s tradition shouldn’t be completely abandoned just because she’s moving onto other endeavors, I’ve decided to pick up the mantle and start “Scott’s Favorite Things.” Unfortunately, I don’t have Oprah’s money nor her influence, so I don’t have the ability to give away these items to my audience. You’ll just get the part where I tell you what my favorite things are.

I’m going to start with the one item I have with me nearly all the time – my fourth generation iPod Touch, the smaller and cheaper version of the iPad that Oprah named as one of her favorite things.

As I type this, I’m listening to music through the stereo attached to my Touch, which houses more than 2,000 of my favorite songs. When I’m at work-related meetings or interviewing someone, I record what I hear with the voice recorder on it, and when I’m out and about and see something I want to photograph, I take a picture with it. I’ve also got nearly 100 cool apps and games on it that I play and do things like read other newspapers. It also checks e-mail, takes video, allows for Skype calling and FaceTime (video conferencing – usually with my wife when I’m at work and she’s at home), and provides weather updates.

Next on my list is “High Violet” by The National, easily the best album of 2010. I wasn’t familiar with this band at all until I heard the song “Bloodbuzz, Ohio” from the album this spring. Based on the song, I picked up the album from Radio KAOS in Stevens Point and found myself infatuated with it. Coming a close second is “Brothers” by the Black Keys, which I’ve also found myself listening to over and over again.

Movie-wise, I’ll recommend “How to Train Your Dragon,” “Kick-Ass” and “Inception” as favorite must-owns for 2010. “Dragon” and “Kick-Ass” are fun films that provide something new with each viewing, while “Inception” is another mind-blowing film from Christopher Nolan, who also brought us “The Dark Knight” and “Memento.”

Another favorite thing my wife and I bought this year is a Panini maker. Whenever we need a quick, good meal, we use it to make delicious sandwiches deli-like in taste. These sandwiches are especially good when we use Asiago cheese bakery bread.

While I can’t be Oprah in giving away all of my favorite things, I can offer plenty of laughs with the last of my favorite things: YouTube videos. Go to YouTube and search for “Double Rainbow Guy,” “Bed Intruder” followed by “Bed Intruder Remix,” “Charlie Bit Me,” “Sneezing Panda” and “Zombie Boy.” Most of these videos should inspire a few chuckles, which is forever priceless compared to many of the items I’ve recommended that will be outdated in a few years.

1 comment:

  1. Originally published in the Dec. 10, 2010, Portage County Gazette.
